The Crossing: Your Impact On Modern Day Slavery
Online (all day programme), 10 December 2019
It is estimated that there are more slaves in the UK today than at any other point in history. 21 million people are trafficked each year. A third of those detected are children. Many affected by Modern Day Slavery are among us, trapped in plain sight. By raising awareness of the issues surrounding modern day slavery we can help affect real change.
On the 10th of December we created a hubub for Human Rights Day and convening a global conversation about modern day slavery. A video introduction by Patron Emma Thompson preceded the screening of the award winning film The Crossing, and following we invited voices from across the world to join Tamara Barnett Human Trafficking Foundation, the film’s director Shreepali Patel, producer Colin Burrows and Rich Warren of Encounters Film Festival in an international conversation sparked by the film.
Why Film?
Films can bear witness to human rights violations and create forums for individuals on both sides of the lens connecting effective and powerful conversations to make a difference.
Why hubub?
hubub is an online platform for inclusive conversations that promote empathy, build trust & afford attribution.
What did we aim for people to get out of it?
Being prepared means being a part of the solution. The Crossing prepares people to recognise the signs, to take practical steps and to play a valuable part in tackling human trafficking.