Simulated Nature

Using digital technology to promote better mental health
Decades of research has shown that exposure to natural environments – such as forests and parks – can promote improved mental health. Drawing on this research, StoryLab and Professor Viren Swami have collaborated to evaluate the extent to which “simulated nature” – natural environments in digital form – can promote better mental health. As part of these projects, we have produced outputs in different formats (images, 2-dimensional film, 360-degree film) and have evaluated the extent to which these forms of simulated nature are effective at promoting more positive body image.
Swami, V., Graf, H.M., Biebl, S., Schmid, T., Siebenhandl, A., Willinger, D., Galeazzi, F., and Stieger, S. (2024). Exposure to simulated nature promotes positive body image irrespective of the presentation modality: A comparison of images, 2-dimensional film, and 360 immersive film. Body Image 51: 101803.
Swami, V., Pickering, M., Barron, D., and Shreepali, P. (2018). The Impact of exposure to films of natural and built environments on state body appreciation. Body Image 26: 70-73.
Media Coverage
Also featured in Cambridge Network, Metro News